Kick-off Meeting for the “Digital Transformation for Cultural Heritage Capacity Building” Project

Установча зустріч проєкту Цифрова трансформація для розбудови потенціалу культурної спадщини

The “Digital Transformation for Cultural Heritage Capacity Building in Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine” project, supported by the Creative Europe Programme, officially commenced with a highly productive kick-off meeting. Due to the ongoing threats posed by the Russian war in Ukraine, the meeting was held online, ensuring the safety of all participants while allowing for a thorough discussion of the project’s ambitious goals and plans.

The virtual meeting brought together a diverse and skilled team of partners from Greece, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine. This included representatives from the Institute for Education Research and Innovation (Lithuania, represented by Simonas Teskevicius, Barbara Stankiewicz), the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece, represented by Dimitra Dalamagka), The University of Bialystok (Poland, represented by Oksana Voytyuk, Beata Goworko) and the Volyn Foundation (Ukraine represented by Anna Danylchuk and Marta Sydoruk). Each partner introduced themselves and provided an overview of their respective organizations, highlighting their expertise and how they will contribute to the project.

Установча зустріч проєкту Цифрова трансформація для розбудови потенціалу культурної спадщини - 2.2

The discussion also underscored the historical significance of Vytautas the Great, who is celebrated for his proto-EU approach to governance, promoting cooperation, tolerance, and mutual support among diverse European cultures. This project aims to honor his legacy by fostering cross-border cooperation and promoting intercultural dialogue through digital innovation.

An essential part of the meeting was the formal signing of the necessary documents, solidifying the partnership and outlining the responsibilities of each team member. This included agreements on data sharing, intellectual property rights, and project resource management, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the project’s implementation. The partners also addressed the challenges posed by the ongoing Russian war in Ukraine. Contingency plans were developed to mitigate potential disruptions, ensuring that the project could proceed smoothly. The safety and well-being of all participants remained a top priority.

Установча зустріч проєкту Цифрова трансформація для розбудови потенціалу культурної спадщини - 2.3

The Kick-off meeting concluded with a clear roadmap for the upcoming months. Specific tasks were assigned to each partner, and milestones were set to ensure steady progress. The partners left the meeting with a sense of shared purpose and excitement for the journey ahead.

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